Sunday 15 September 2013


Hello and Assalammualaikum xx I'm back. nahh lama tak update rindu semuaaa :* so how are you guys? happy Malaysia day. see that picture? I make it fr someone but ahh its okey he is ok without me. Firstly let me tell you about myclassmate. Alhamdulillah semua yg brmusuh dah berbaik. Persembahan hari tu bermakna sgt. guys I do love you xx Dahlians ♥ 

Final exam just around the corner but i didn't make any preparation. I notice that i become more lazy this year. wake up Arza *ketuk diri sendiri* SPM next year jgn byk main. hahah korang pun sama belajar rajin rajin tau? and i want to give some advise fr those yg heartbroken. hahah kita satu team. but you guys have to sty strong. Setiap yg brlaku ada hikmah. maybe he/her is not the best fr you. 

If got a problem, settle it. If you cant handle it ask Allah to help you. Allah always there fr you. 

  ": Sad? Talk to Allah.Happy? Praise Allah. Problems? Ask Allah for help. Depressed? Cry to Allah."