Saturday, 14 April 2012

loving you :>

hii , allss XD , btw thankyou jane for begin myfanatik reader . hahahah i love youuuuu XD btw , i have a new life with muhd fazly , i love him so much . 21.3.2012 the date that you declare meeee ^^v wohooooo I'm so greatful . nothing that i can say i just want you to be with me forever . now is 13 . 4.2012 . I saje tnye you 21.4 ada ape erk ? then you cuma jwp 'adelahhh' i hope you still remember who always takecare of me . she have a new petsis ]; she always ignore me . our date . btw now i have a family problem i dont know why my sister change ]; i lost mylovely sistoo , i dont know what to do . i'm just pray taht i will get myold sister ]; . and myexamination result was really bad I only get 3A wtf I tired of study --' ohh god help meeee please ]; lastly , i miss myarwah abg faez . i hope you will here me abg I really miss your smile . nanty kita sambut birthday sesama kay :] 

                                                                                                                         Sincerely , Arza Eyra 

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